Dienstag, 27. Dezember 2022

The Meaning

Popper writes in "The Poverty of Historicism" about the meaning of an historical event: "The event gains its meaning from its influence on the whole." Do we, too, thus gain our meaning solely from our impact on the events of the world? Does then only the life of the few who seem to change the world decisively possess meaning? And in such a world, would the lives of myriads be a mere nullity?
Everybody change the world by its very existence. And any change is the result of interaction. Everyone is acting and reacting. Nothing in being is without effect on the whole. And reality is a sensitive system - smallest causes can have big effects. It does not need a "great man" to ignite a revolution. There is no need for rulers who shape the course of history. History is the interplay of the lives of the myriads who were and are. There is no "cloak of history" blowing through the times. There is only us - people who live their lives, who are, perhaps believe and love.

Each of us is part of the world. Each of us takes part in what is called the Whole. But what is life, in this existence of the world, giving rise to the meaning of our lives?

In everything we experience, this world is a whole. No change, no doing and no wanting could touch the inner consistency of the One that already is.  And what forms this One? This One we make. We are the parts that constitute the perfect One Whole. We are of the meaning.

For all the variations of being, its highs and lows, all the good and the evil form one big picture. Everyone is part of the world and if would only one were missing, there would be no whole. The meaning of our life is to become a part of the One, which our We is in the Whole. And hell is never to be able to become part.

We are the ones that constitute the world. The One is the Whole of our lives. We are the world, its hope and the love in it. We are the self-evolving being whose limit point is God and God is what our We will have become at the end of time.

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